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 November update

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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 298
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2014-03-01

November update  Empty
PostSubject: November update    November update  EmptyThu Nov 06, 2014 7:17 pm

Greetings folks!

Thought I would post an update with the going on's from my cactus collection.

Have a had a spectacular show of flowers mostly from the mams but a few others have thrown out some great blooms.
There is buds forming on others so the show will continue for some time yet.

Have been photographing the flowers and will be putting together a slideshow to put on my youtube channel (will post when its complete)

Nearly everything is growing and visibly so, I have been really surprised by the growth rate of some Not all have sprung back to life and a few seem stagnant.
On the down side I have lost around 6 cacti and there are maybe 2 or 3 more that aren't looking too good, time will tell.

Half of my seedlings have been exposed and their covers completely removed they are now getting a few hours direct sun a day which will need to change as some of them are very pink & other red!
In hindsight I removed them prematurely and as such the other half will be remaining in their humidity chambers for a while yet.

I have begun gathering seeds for next years plantings, I have started early but I intend on planting at least 1500 seeds so will be buying in batches so I don't "get in trouble" for buying "more bloody cactus" lol

Below is the first order I have placed from the USA generally the orders arrive in a week or two.
Have also received some seed from forum members - thank-you very much!

Astrophytum hybrid mix 100 seeds
Neochilenia deherdtiana 25 seeds
Neochilenia napina 25 seeds
Neoporteria cephalophora 25 seeds
Copiapoa barquitensis 25 seeds
Copiapoa hypogaea 25 seeds
Copiapoa tenuissima 25 seeds
Echinopsis species mix 100 seeds
Ariocarpus fissuratus v. hintonii 10 seeds
Notocactus concinnus 25 seeds
Lobivia species mix 100 seeds
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 25 seeds

In between now and planting time I will be building my grafting stock as I am going to try again, given the volume of seedlings I will have I can afford to practice.

I did try grafting again recently which failed but I am going to stick at it until I get it right.

Hope you are all well and the cacti are growing strong.

Kind regards,
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Number of posts : 705
Location : FNQ
Registration date : 2012-12-11

November update  Empty
PostSubject: Re: November update    November update  EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 10:26 pm

How did your order go? Did it all arrive in good nick?
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 298
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2014-03-01

November update  Empty
PostSubject: Re: November update    November update  EmptyThu Dec 04, 2014 5:52 am

Hi sneaky,
Yes my usa order made it through fine. Have been really lucky that none have been "detained" lol.
They've all been planted up and a few have sprouted already.
Since this post I ordered another lot of plants 75 in total which have all been potted up, I made a YouTube video of the new plants but the video is not available is Australia because of the song I used, damn copyright! I will be redoing the video on the weekend with different music so will post a link when it's done.
Haven't done a count of how many seeds I've planted so far but it is over 500.
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