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 ID a succulent for a noob garderner

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Location : Adelaide
Registration date : 2014-04-23

ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyTue May 13, 2014 10:51 am

Hi there good people of aus cacti forum Smile

my landlords were removing a garden and saved this plant here...
ID a succulent for a noob garderner Wp_20110

it got trampled by the dog and broke so i took a cutting let it callous and potted it with some cactus soil sand and perlite. hopefully itll grow roots again Smile

can anyone tell me what it is by chance? it was twice as big before and an that was one of two branches, it also had curved pointy leafy things growing out from the bottom like a bush.

cheers Smile

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Number of posts : 57
Location : Vace, Slovenia, EU
Registration date : 2013-06-01

ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyTue May 13, 2014 3:19 pm

Opuntia microdasys var. alba.
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ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyTue May 13, 2014 4:39 pm

Correct majcka. I have three of these all with diffrent colours. One white, one vibrant yellow and another rust brown colour.
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ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyTue May 13, 2014 9:06 pm

Correct Smile
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Number of posts : 3
Location : Adelaide
Registration date : 2014-04-23

ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyWed May 14, 2014 11:01 am

Thanks guys... quick reply Smile hopefully it roots well and it survives Smile First plant ive taken time to care for before and dont wanna be the guy who killed a cactus :p
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Number of posts : 107
Location : VIC
Registration date : 2012-12-04

ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyWed May 14, 2014 2:07 pm

MenTal_PaTienT wrote:
Thanks guys... quick reply :)hopefully it roots well and it survives :)First plant ive taken time to care for before and dont wanna be the guy who killed a cactus :p

Don't worry.  Most here will have killed their fair share of cacti Smile

A word of caution with this species.  They are notorious for their glochids and you will want to use tongs when handling them.  I had a couple but the nuisance value was too much.  Also butterflies are fond of laying their larvae on them with the result they get eaten before you know it.
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Number of posts : 3
Location : Adelaide
Registration date : 2014-04-23

ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner EmptyWed May 14, 2014 2:24 pm

Yes those little hairs are quite funny feeling when they get in your finger, plastic gloves seemed to work quite well.

It sits right were i have my coffee every morning so ill be sure to watch for any critters sneaking there way in! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: ID a succulent for a noob garderner   ID a succulent for a noob garderner Empty

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