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 can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?

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Location : northern nsw
Registration date : 2012-12-08

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 9:15 pm

hey guys,
i got a few cuttings off my friend, im thinking it may be a peruvian torch but the ribs on it are really thin in some places.
if somebody could help me identy it i would appreciate it.

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Qpp2e1

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? 10ribmc

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Number of posts : 137
Location : Sydney
Registration date : 2013-04-04

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 10:38 pm

It looks like the plant known as Cereus peruvianus, but the taxonomy of that genus is really confused. It's an old name applied to a species not from Peru.

Once they start growing and mature you should end up with huge floral displays throughout the warmer months. It's self infertile but if you can get a pollinator then you might get fruit, similar to a dragonfruit but smaller and without the leafy appendages.
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Number of posts : 11
Location : northern nsw
Registration date : 2012-12-08

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 9:10 am

thanks for the help, i really apreciate it.
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Sydney
Registration date : 2013-04-04

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 9:40 am

You're welcome, but just to be safe this ID is not absolute. As I said it's a really confusing genus. But this is most likely the species.
It's so easy to grow that mine doesn't grow very much at all. Instead it puts nearly all of its energy into flowers that will never make seeds because I don't have a cross pollinator.
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Number of posts : 11
Location : northern nsw
Registration date : 2012-12-08

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 8:34 pm

oh true, at least you would have nice flowers constantly Smile
once mine roots im going to use it as grafting stock and ill chuck a few of my peyote babies onto it to give them a bit of a boost..
do you know if they are good to use as a grafting collum?
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Sydney
Registration date : 2013-04-04

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptySun Apr 14, 2013 10:01 pm

I've never seen anyone use it for grafting so I can't comment on how good it might be. But it is strong, fast growing (when it decides to grow) and rather inexpensive as well as being easy to propagate. These all point to being a potentially good stock but this is all speculation.
The small vascular bundle might end up being advantageous for grafting smaller scions onto it, but again, this is all speculation.
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Number of posts : 11
Location : northern nsw
Registration date : 2012-12-08

can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings?   can somebody please identify my cactus cuttings? EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 5:24 pm

thanks for your opinion, i was roughly thinking the same.
i guess ill just have to try it out and see how it goes, ill post up a topic once i start to let everybody know if it works well as grafting stock.
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