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San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

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 San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it

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Registration date : 2015-01-15

San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Empty
PostSubject: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it EmptyThu Jan 15, 2015 3:11 pm

Greetings to my fellow cactus enthusiasts

I've been growing my San Pedro now for over 14 years and in the past year I'm starting to see markings all around the cactus which wasn't there a year ago
Is it a disease, or insects eating away?
Does anyone have a solution to the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this cactus means a lot to me.

San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Cactus5

San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Cactus4

San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Cactus2
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San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Empty
PostSubject: Re: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it EmptyThu Jan 15, 2015 8:54 pm

Hmmm ... looks like insect damage more then a disease. But its hard to say. Normally bugs hit the growing tip rather than the sides. Maybe slugs or snails?
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Calm and Collected

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San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Empty
PostSubject: Re: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it EmptyFri Jan 16, 2015 11:36 am

I'd call that mechanical damage where the stems have rubbed together during windy days. I've got exactly the same on taller stems that grow close together.
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San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Empty
PostSubject: Re: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 3:07 pm

Yeah I think Snowfella is on the right track. Some of it is caused by the spines of the other branches rubbing to gether. Not sure about the other areas not near another branch.
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Number of posts : 2
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Registration date : 2015-01-15

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PostSubject: Re: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it EmptyWed Jan 28, 2015 1:44 pm

Thanks for the replies.

That's what I was leaning towards as well. It's a little odd with the scars that are not close to one another but they appear to be older scars.

Just stunning these cactus's

San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it IMG-20150126-WA0006
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PostSubject: Re: San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it   San Pedro Cactus - Markings on the Cactus not sure what is causing it Empty

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