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 Some Cacti and Succulent id's

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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyFri Oct 24, 2008 7:28 pm

Hi all! Im new here, great site this is, very informative study
Im also new to cacti and i have recently recieved a few different sorts of cacti and succulents and i was hoping i might be able to get some id's on them here Very Happy

here are some pics, any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance Very Happy

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-11 Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-12

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-13 Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-14

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-15 Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-16

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-17 Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-18

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-19 Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-20

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-21

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-22

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-23

Also, i want to transfer most of them to new pots with new medium, though what would be the best medium for cacti and succulents?
From what ive seen, im thinking some rocks for the cacti, and some soil/perlite mix for the succulents.
How does that sound?

Once again thanks in advance Very Happy
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Calm and Collected

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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyFri Oct 24, 2008 7:49 pm

Welcome QR cheers

Had pics 1 & 2 and can't remember its name.
The cactus pics 2 & 3 is it a notocactus??
The purple one pics 5 & 6 is an Aoenium and is summer dormant it will look a little like its dying but don't push too much water into it. Just a drink everynow and then.
Pics 7 & 8 umm crassula maybe
Pics 9 & 10 ???? not sure. Where's CP when you need him, he will know Very Happy
Pic 11 Sedum
Pic 12 Jellybeans
Pic 13 Aloe juvenna

Edit:Oops forgot about the mix..........I personally don't use perlite in anything. I use a cheap potting mix as it is usually a lot more open and very coarse sand about 70/30. As long as it drains well you can use what you like and a lot experiment to get what suits them.
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Number of posts : 23
Location : Victoria
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySat Oct 25, 2008 12:24 am

Thank you very much parrotsheaven that helps me a great deal! Very Happy
And i'll go get some sand for them too

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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyTue Oct 28, 2008 2:42 pm

3-4 Notocactus magnificus
5-6 Aeonium arboreum
7-8 Crassula cordata
9-10 Pachyveria sp.
11 Sempervivum sp.
12 Sedum sp.

if that helps at all.
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Number of posts : 23
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Registration date : 2008-10-22

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySat Nov 01, 2008 2:25 am

yes that does help me, thank you Smile
just need that 1st one now, i love that succulent
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 245
Location : Tassie
Registration date : 2008-10-06

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySun Nov 09, 2008 10:00 pm

Pic no. 1 is crassula tetragona
Pics 9 and 10 are Graptopetalum paraguayense...
Some Cacti and Succulent id's Th_Graptopetalum_paraguayense
Yours is probably G. paraguayense "tricolour"

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Number of posts : 23
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Registration date : 2008-10-22

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySun Nov 09, 2008 10:53 pm

Hey thanks a bunch CP Smile
ive repotted them all so i'll have to get some pics up for viewing Smile

thanks a bunch all!
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Number of posts : 23
Location : Victoria
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySun Nov 09, 2008 11:00 pm

Hey i forgot to mention this last cactus, this was the one from the last pic next to the Aloe Juvenna.
Anyone have a clue as to what these may be?

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Photo-25

Thanks Smile
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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptySun Nov 09, 2008 11:34 pm

It looks a bit like a Rebutia to me. Although I must confess that it doesn't look too healthy...
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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyMon Nov 10, 2008 1:27 pm

Its a former member of the genus Aylostera, which is now included in Rebutia.
i can't offer much more than that but heres a link with the species and their new classification;
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Number of posts : 733
Location : Langwarrin
Registration date : 2008-04-05

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyMon Nov 10, 2008 6:02 pm

I'm pretty certain that I have the same plant at home... this seems to be a cactus that is often cultivated and sold at weekend markets. If I'm right, you'll probably get orange-red buds yielding yellow flowers.
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Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyMon Nov 10, 2008 6:06 pm

^ yeah i see it at weekend markets on a fairly frequent basis.the flowers should be something along the lines of this if me n Lachy are thinking of the same plant:

but i agree with Lachy- sorry to say it QR but your plant does not appear to be in the best of health.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 245
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Registration date : 2008-10-06

Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 8:59 pm

I agree with Lewis and Lachy...
Some Cacti and Succulent id's Th_Rebutia_fabrisii_aureiflora_1108a

Rebutia (Aylostera) fabrisii var. aureiflora is the likely little guy.

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PostSubject: Re: Some Cacti and Succulent id's   Some Cacti and Succulent id's Empty

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