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 What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?

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What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? Empty
PostSubject: What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?   What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? EmptyTue Jul 08, 2014 8:51 am

I think we all have favourite plants...maybe we love the look of them, or maybe they just grow well for us. It might be a plant you know you'll always want in your collection. Or maybe they're the Holy Grail - plants you just can't get or just can't grow.

I know I have a number of favorites, so I thought it'd be a nice discussion subject for the members while our charges are sleeping - I'll give it a think and post my list soon. What are yours and why ? Doesn't have to be 10, even if it's only a few, share your love !

Last edited by Navajoa on Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 705
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What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?   What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? EmptyTue Jul 08, 2014 11:45 am

Great idea for a thread Navajoa.

List of fav's from most to least.


The absolute, ultimate holy grail of a plant, the one I would give my left nut to own, would be a mature Crested Lophophora williamsii.

There was a 3cm, crested L. fricci for sale on e-bay a day or two ago. It sold for over $600.
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Number of posts : 137
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Registration date : 2013-04-04

What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?   What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? EmptyTue Jul 08, 2014 10:09 pm

So hard to choose!

My favourites are I suppose a bit different to most peoples' as far as I can tell. Here are some that I could come up with but they probably only reflect what I'm thinking at this moment (in no particular order):

Carnegiea gigantea
Selenicereus megalanthus
Aloidendron barberae
Stenocereus eruca

large Pachypodium spp.
Euphorbia tirucalli (the plain green one)
the whole Didiereaceae

And some that I don't think I'll ever get but are still favourites:

Jasminocereus thouarsii
Strophocactus wittii
Welwitschia mirabilis

Now, that was interesting!
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Calm and Collected

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What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?   What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? EmptyWed Jul 09, 2014 5:59 am

What a great post!
Ok, so just a few favourites...

neochilenia - pretty much all of them.
Mammillaria - bosacana in particular
Astrophytum - spineless varietes
Trichocereus pachanoi

There are more but those are the ones that come to mind.
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Number of posts : 57
Location : Vace, Slovenia, EU
Registration date : 2013-06-01

What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ?   What are your 10 Favourite C & S species/cultivars ? EmptyWed Jul 09, 2014 10:04 am

O goody. Let's go...

Matucana madisoniorum - it was a first flower in my collection. That one still sits in my avatar.  Smile 

Echinocereus (that bright red flowered ones) - why? Very red!!!!

Echinocereus (magenta with green stigmas) - Ooooo!

Glandulicactus (especially wrightii) - I can't exactly tell why, it's just the way it is.  cheers 

Lobivia - becouse of their shiny flowers

Agave lophantha 'Quadricilor' - just look at it and you'll know

Adenium - flowers, flowers, flowers, and they seem easy to produce from seed  Laughing 

I'm sure I have more of them to put here, but don't have on my mind right now.  scratch
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