To encourage lurkers on the Australian Cacti Forum to register and to join in the conversations here, I'm going to start a little competition/lottery for the next ten new members who both register*
and post, from now onward, on
the Introduction Thread, or at least once elsewhere.
I will keep a list of the new members as they register and post, and when I have ten accumulated I will pick one at random using a random number generator in Excel. The member so picked will receive a few packets of cactus seeds, including
Trichocereus bridgesii (
Echidnopsis laegenformis? Pffft!) and at least one or two other species, depending on how much I receive in my recent order. An alternative prize, if the person selected is happy to cover the postage, would be a mix of several different stapelia and huernia cuttings.
There's no need for new folk to post here. I'll edit this post as they join, and if I miss them I'm sure that HelloNasty or one of the other mods will send me a private message to alert me! If someone joins who is an experienced/over-planted cactophile from way-back and who doesn't want to take up space here, just pm me and I'll leave you off the list.
So, the ten new registrants included in this draw will be:
1. Fruitbat (who joined in order to contribute to the discussion on the membership thread that started this in the first place)
2. Cooky173 (only fair, as s/he joined after Fruitbat, even if it was before the original posting of this thread)
3. Catuscatus1
4. Mattslandscape
5. Agavewoman
6. renae1503
7. michelle.h
8. cactuscollector
9. apfire
10. Alex
It no-one else steps in to kick another one off after this competition's finished, I might dig around my drawers to start another one, although as a perpetual postgrad student my drawer is frequently empty!
(* The fine print: I'll ask HN to keep an eye out for anonymous proxies, and for multiple memberships from a single ISP address. I hate saying this, but I don't want this to be rorted by unscrupulous folk!)