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How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty


 How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?

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4 posters

Number of posts : 7
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2010-05-18

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? EmptyWed May 19, 2010 6:21 pm

For instance, is the following picture one of those and how would you tell?

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Identi11
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Number of posts : 134
Location : Gippsland
Registration date : 2008-12-03

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? EmptyWed May 19, 2010 6:54 pm

To start with Pachanoi has short spines. so it aint pach.

good links for more info

Both of these links will give you a much greater understanding of the whole family. It is a topic of great length and one that you will gain knowledge in time by seeing and being around lots of diff tricho's, Also help to see them when they are a little older. other wise ID can be difficult with smaller plants.

Hope this shed's some light for you and helps you out. I wish I knew where on the forum was a previous thred with lots of info on this subject but im sure if you have a look through some older ones you will find more.

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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 268
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2009-03-14

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? EmptyWed May 19, 2010 7:02 pm

What happened to the other posts on this thread?
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Number of posts : 1824
Location : NSW
Registration date : 2008-04-04

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? EmptyWed May 19, 2010 7:08 pm

Different thread, same picture Smile
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Number of posts : 7
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2010-05-18

How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? EmptyFri May 21, 2010 8:48 pm

AmnesiA wrote:
To start with Pachanoi has short spines. so it aint
Both of these links will give you a much greater understanding
of the whole family...
Thanks for the info. Indeed it doesn't look like a pachanoi, except people keep telling me that it is, including the guy who sold them. Very confusing. Is it possible for a pach to have such spikes? It looks a lot more like a t. peruvianus to me.

cryptocarpa wrote:
What happened to the other posts on this
Hellonasty wrote:
Different thread, same picture Smile
Yeah I had a related but different question so I used the same picture.
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How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?   How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart? Empty

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How do you tell t. peruvianus and t. pachanoi apart?
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