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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 176
Location : Cairns
Registration date : 2008-04-26

Allow myself to introduce.... myself... Empty
PostSubject: Allow myself to introduce.... myself...   Allow myself to introduce.... myself... EmptySat Apr 26, 2008 1:31 pm

Hi there,

I am a Cairns local and have just re-started my cactus collection. I was lucky enough to get a tray of cacti and succulents from a fellow in Walkamin on the Tablelands plus a few other common ones from around the place.

I do have troubles identifying them all, but they're all so beautiful.

Allow myself to introduce.... myself... N824030494_2880448_8831

Hopefully I can get some more seeds and begin germinating some more unusual cacti.

I really miss some of my jungle cacti that have HUGE flowers - if I can get cuttings of those I'd be most happy!

Anyways - hope we have a fun and eventful time here...

Nice meeting you (over time)
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

Number of posts : 879
Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
Registration date : 2008-01-23

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PostSubject: Re: Allow myself to introduce.... myself...   Allow myself to introduce.... myself... EmptySat Apr 26, 2008 1:38 pm

Hi there slim6y, always good to hear about someone getting back into growing cactus, it's a good sign Wink

Am sure someone can help you out with trades etc. feel free to post a thread about it in the trade & sell forum.

Looks like you might have a Mammillaria prolifera in the the pic there.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 176
Location : Cairns
Registration date : 2008-04-26

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PostSubject: Re: Allow myself to introduce.... myself...   Allow myself to introduce.... myself... EmptySat Apr 26, 2008 1:51 pm

I figured it was a Mammillaria species - but it takes me ages to get them all. I think I will go get a bunch of naming tags - put up heaps of pics here (I won't clog your forum with pics) and get them all identified once and for all Smile

I believe all my cacti I have are fairly common.

I used to have some awesome ones, but I sold them all off, including A.
(is it allowed to be talked about seeing as it's a succulent?) but I was lucky enough to get another one (and two pups) from this fellow in Walkamin. Though they're still very young, and don't seem as highly coloured as I am used to. He also mentioned they're slow growing... I found my ones a few years back to be prolific!

Well, the next one you can Identify then is... (haha)

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Number of posts : 416
Location : Adelaide, SA
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Allow myself to introduce.... myself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allow myself to introduce.... myself...   Allow myself to introduce.... myself... EmptySat Apr 26, 2008 5:52 pm

Hey there slim:
Welcome to the forum.
Trig is right on the mark with Mammillaria prolifera - just got hold of some of those little red seeds pods lmyself and am going to plant them out this week.

Not sure about the next one - wild guess, some sort of Echinopsis ? Will leave it to the experts. I have a couple of seed types spare if you want to list what you have on the forum - PM me if you want

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