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A little bit of humour Emptyby gwhite24 Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:24 pm

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 A little bit of humour

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Number of posts : 134
Location : Gippsland
Registration date : 2008-12-03

A little bit of humour Empty
PostSubject: A little bit of humour   A little bit of humour EmptyThu Jan 15, 2009 8:19 pm

The following is a link i found on ebay with the funniest growing instructions I've ever had the joy of reading. I must give him some credit tho. He is from Thailand, and it does make sense if your skilled in the art of interpretation.


Cactus plant or Cactus Gxmno

Cactus height 11 cm.

growing way

cactus should grow in at have state The same in birthplace tree in the
group cactus be tree at have durability the air is hot and sun light
well be majority but not durability moistness and shade if lead tree go to in at an umbrella very much as a result die cause come to from moistness character at see get that a cactus stay in at umbrella The very will there is the character approximately

1. the trunk be lengthy from at should be or that ever be

2. the root decays concern be from moistness in earth wet stay already water repeated go to

3. have fungus be born go up in which part one ( part ) of a cactus

4. a thorn short usual more

Factor The important of feeding cactus depend on with element as follows

1. The sun light

sun light at be appropriate with cactus that about 65% - 100% already but kind sunlight about a half day is morning will be time that best at cactus want about 3-5 hour

2. the water

Give the water is cactus The that go up stay with factor The many points

1. If earth The clear windy power sunlight tree will wilt should will water often

2. If earth meat rather keep the water power sunlight have no wind not necessity will water often

Try see way observe as follows

the sunlight is a little water a little

sunlight The very water The very get

have no wind water a little

wind power water The very get

earth The crowded water a little

earth clear water The very get

3. the earth

Earth at not keep the water The very The too earth The middle will give get with wood get The many kind

1.have let off the water well
2.the food enough
4. get easy

5. the fertilizer
distance time add already but suitability about month 1 - 2 time not The very not The a little

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Number of posts : 393
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2008-06-24

A little bit of humour Empty
PostSubject: Re: A little bit of humour   A little bit of humour EmptyThu Jan 15, 2009 11:32 pm

LOL... Razz

What's weird is that you can kind of understand it...
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avid contributor & moderator

Number of posts : 862
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2008-05-07

A little bit of humour Empty
PostSubject: Re: A little bit of humour   A little bit of humour EmptyFri Jan 16, 2009 10:09 pm

Well, what do you expect if you type something in your native language and then use one of those online translators! Laughing
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