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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby gwhite24 Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:24 pm

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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby Eck Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:56 pm

» NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears
NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby region4 Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 pm

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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby Eck Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:24 pm

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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Emptyby SlightlyHooked Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:43 pm

NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Empty


 NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears

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Location : VIC
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NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Empty
PostSubject: NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears   NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears EmptyMon Sep 27, 2021 2:43 pm

"If you see, know or suspect something, contact NSW Crime Stoppers
in complete confidence on 1800 333 000 or report online."

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Number of posts : 22
Location : Sydney, NSW
Registration date : 2010-12-13

NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Empty
PostSubject: Re: NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears   NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears EmptyThu Oct 07, 2021 12:43 pm

Thanks for the info Eck, very helpful!

Being rather dim up top at times, I'm not sure exactly how to read the information on the NSW Weedwise site. Are only the Opuntia/Cylindropuntia/Austrocylindropuntia species specifically listed on Weedwise illegal, or is there a blanket ban in force in NSW? (except O. ficus-indica)

By comparison, the site identifies 3 Harrisia species as regional weeds, but doesn't mention H. jusbertii.
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Number of posts : 107
Location : VIC
Registration date : 2012-12-04

NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears Empty
PostSubject: Re: NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears   NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears EmptyThu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

Not sure how to navigate that site myself but found if one specifies cactus/succulent under 'Plant type' at:

it brings up a list of plants one can checkout to see what's deemed a weed or not.

I was a bit surprised to see O.ficus-indica described as 'spreads slowly' and 'not a problem'.  Why it should be any different to others in the Opuntia group is puzzling.  It has certainly been grown commercially and perhaps the real reason for exclusion.  I had a couple but they got so big, so fast when in the ground, I ended up pulling them out.

While I appreciate NSW's problem with certain cacti species, bringing in Crime Stoppers and putting cacti on a par with cannabis does nobody any good.  It was only 10 years ago the Federal govt attempted the same.  Thanks to the story being leaked to the national media such moves were thankfully short-lived.
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