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Lobivias to usher in the new year... Empty


 Lobivias to usher in the new year...

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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 245
Location : Tassie
Registration date : 2008-10-06

Lobivias to usher in the new year... Empty
PostSubject: Lobivias to usher in the new year...   Lobivias to usher in the new year... EmptyFri Jan 02, 2009 7:09 am

So, HAPPY NEW YEAR Lobivias to usher in the new year... LetsParty to all my friends here on the forum.

These have been quite a show in the last day or two, please enjoy!
Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_817NATK_1208e Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_817NATK_1208d Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_817NATK_1208c Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_817NATK_1208b Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_817NATK_1208a

Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_famatimensis_1208e Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_famatimensis_1208d Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_famatimensis_1208c Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_famatimensis_1208b Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_famatimensis_1208a

Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivias_1208 Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_pentlandii_1208b Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_pentlandii_1208a

Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_garden_1208 Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_sp_759NATK_1208 Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_arachnacantha_1208c Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_arachnacantha_1208b Lobivias to usher in the new year... Th_Lobivia_arachnacantha_1208a

Cheers, CP.
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Number of posts : 393
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2008-06-24

Lobivias to usher in the new year... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobivias to usher in the new year...   Lobivias to usher in the new year... EmptySat Jan 03, 2009 5:48 pm

Beautiful colours there CP.
I really like the top pink one, it has a really nice flower.

Not sure what it is though...
Can anyone help me out there?
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Lobivias to usher in the new year...
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