I've been trying to juggle my cacti & succulents around to get them the best spot to grow in. I used to have them in a sunny spot on a deck but possums kept munching them and literally yanking them out of the soil.
I moved them to another deck which receives less light, but I was worried they weren't getting enough there so I moved them down onto the concrete which receives a bit more light, and is still free from possums. However, I noticed ants crawling in the pot since it was now on the ground (and, as it looks, other bugs too).
Rrecently I've noticed this cactus going a yellowish brown colour on the edges, seems like it's being munched. I'm not sure if the roots have been nibbled yet but I'm a bit worried (check photos below).
I can re-pot this guy in a separate pot on my sunny deck if need be, since the possums don't like to touch the spiky ones.
As you can see from the second photo, the rib thingy of the cactus is folding on itself and it looks like it's collapsing, and I'm afraid there is quite a bit of damage under the soil.
I've also got an Opuntia which I had also moved down to a lower level at the same time. I thought it was rotting at first but now I think it may be victim to the same culprit as this one. I've moved it up higher and it seems to have stopped. We've also had quite a bit of rain recently so it's been fairly wet for a few days. I'm wondering whether I should cut above the dying pad and attempt to grow the top part by itself.
If it looks like it's tilting a bit, it is. I think it's about to fall over since the base is pretty damaged and doesn't really provide much support.