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 Grafting small loph pups

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Location : Langwarrin
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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyFri Feb 13, 2009 7:12 pm

G'day guys, here's the situation...

I have a caespitose loph that's cranked out a few pups, ranging in size from 3-10mm. I'd love to try grafting these, however I am unsure what stock would be the best choice. I know peres is the preferred stock for seedling grafting - however these guys are older than seedlings although not much larger. Thanks to my humidity tent setup, I now have heaps of peres that I can use for a graft. Would this stock be suitable, or should I be using a trich or myrt instead?
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Calm and Collected

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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptySat Feb 14, 2009 1:53 am

i would tape them if your using pereskiopsis. with 1cm scions i prefer anything else lol. trichs, hylo, myrtle whatever Smile
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Calm and Collected

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Registration date : 2008-10-28

Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyMon Feb 23, 2009 1:50 pm

im an absolute novice ,but ive had 100% success with peres, just dont be afraid ,be quick and sterile. amazing growth rates compared to own roots. also opuntia compressa is meant to be good for larger scions.
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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyMon Feb 23, 2009 3:46 pm

As said you can use what ever stock you want really. I'd use myrtillo if it were me, though only because i seem to get a higher success rate with that stock. Use whatever works for you!

Quote :
also opuntia compressa is meant to be good for larger scions.
do you know where to get some?
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyTue Feb 24, 2009 10:20 am

lewis wrote:

Quote :
also opuntia compressa is meant to be good for larger scions.
do you know where to get some?

This something I would like to know as well Wink
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Location : Gippsland
Registration date : 2008-12-03

Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyTue Feb 24, 2009 7:53 pm

Now I really am no expert on Optunia's And Id be buggered how to ID compressa to some other weedy prickly pear. But I know of about 3 locations in VIC where you can obtain 2 different species. I have no idea what type they are. I can try obtain pictures but it may take me some time. As one location is 400km away.

Lewis you might know what type is out of melbourne if you drive to woodend/daylesford way via the fwy that bypasses the airport. there are hundreds of them, your more common run of the mill prickleypear victorian WEED.
The other one I've seen grows in a very unusual spot in daylesford which is not like any optunia I've ever seen(more rounded/fatter pads as in clyndrical they are not as flat). (I'll attempt to get photo's and if it is compressa you'd need to ask another forum member real nice if he can get you any next time he's there.)

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Number of posts : 393
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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyWed Feb 25, 2009 11:19 am

AmnesiA wrote:
Now I really am no expert on Optunia's And Id be buggered how to ID compressa to some other weedy prickly pear. But I know of about 3 locations in VIC where you can obtain 2 different species. I have no idea what type they are. I can try obtain pictures but it may take me some time. As one location is 400km away.

Lewis you might know what type is out of melbourne if you drive to woodend/daylesford way via the fwy that bypasses the airport. there are hundreds of them, your more common run of the mill prickleypear victorian WEED.
The other one I've seen grows in a very unusual spot in daylesford which is not like any optunia I've ever seen(more rounded/fatter pads as in clyndrical they are not as flat). (I'll attempt to get photo's and if it is compressa you'd need to ask another forum member real nice if he can get you any next time he's there.)


Where abouts in Daylesford are you talking about?
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Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptyWed Feb 25, 2009 11:44 am

Quote :
Lewis you might know what type is out of melbourne if you drive to woodend/daylesford way via the fwy that bypasses the airport. there are hundreds of them
Yeah! fields of the stuff! entire hillsides covered, its like Melbourne's Mexico.
sorry i don't know what type it is though as I have not seen it up close (only through car window) but from memory this type does not grow exceptionaly tall and has yellow flowers, i think.
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Number of posts : 133
Location : Perth
Registration date : 2008-09-05

Grafting small loph pups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grafting small loph pups   Grafting small loph pups EmptySun Jan 24, 2010 10:28 pm

Instead of taping the scions, use a stocking, you can stretch it out over the scion and then hold it in the spines of the stock (if using trichs, myrts, etc) and it will still be able to breath easily, with no issues...

I'm a convert, use it all the time now. The missus gets a little upset when she's got none to wear though... lol. Nah, $5 for 4 pairs at woolies, that'll graft about 100 of the buggers, and you can reuse them over and over...
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