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 stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID

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stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyThu Mar 13, 2008 1:50 pm

Looking for any indentification methods for a true stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix or photos of a true SRH.
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

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Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
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stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyFri Mar 14, 2008 7:22 pm

I had a bit of a search for this cactus & found a few pics.

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Stenocereus_hystrix2

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID S_hystrix_C

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID S_hystrix_T

Unfortunately can't say much about identification techniques.
Not sure what you mean by 'true' Stenocereus ritterocereus hystrix, as I am not that familiar with the species. You have piqued my interest now though. What is the significance of this cactus?
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Number of posts : 7
Location : colorado
Registration date : 2008-03-11

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 12:45 pm

Thanks trigonus. Looks Like the one I have but to what degree of certainty do you feel this is the real deal? and what do you know about the psychoactive content of this cactus? the info is petty sparse. Question
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Number of posts : 7
Location : colorado
Registration date : 2008-03-11

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 12:47 pm

Supposedly has same mescaline content as peruvianus and panachoi. But grows in tropical regions.
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

Number of posts : 879
Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
Registration date : 2008-01-23

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyMon Mar 17, 2008 6:10 pm

Only going by what I have read. It would seem that these pictures are the 'real deal' Stenocereus hystrix.
Also on the alkaloid content, all I could seem to find supports what you have already said. Mescaline being the main psychoactive constituent, containg something like 0.04% I believe. Similiar to San Pedro. Does not seem like this has been researched to any great extent.

The cultivation sounds more complicated than the Trichocereus spp. though. This could be dependant on climate etc. I am not entirely sure.

I think they are fairly rare here in Australia. I had never heard of the species before you brought it up. It also goes under other synonyms, which I can't remember off the top off my head (Lemaireocereus & Ritterocereus?).

Keep searching, if you find anything of interest, feel free to post here. I will do likewise.
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Number of posts : 7
Location : colorado
Registration date : 2008-03-11

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyFri Mar 21, 2008 1:51 am

Yeah, info seems very sparse. I got a cutting from wholesale shamanic herbs about a year ago and cultivation wise, it's pretty much the same as P. torch. A little slower. Mine is pretty much identical to the pics you posted, a little fatter though and taking on a nice blue/gray hue to it. Seems to love Super Thrive & Old Age fish & sea kelp mix (as do all my Trics.) Super Thrive is an absolute miracle thing cheers !! Highly recommend it as an admix to any cacti grower. Any grower of anything for that matter!
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Number of posts : 2
Location : NNSW
Registration date : 2008-04-04

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyFri Apr 04, 2008 7:00 pm

First up Hi all lol!
I found this on Mycology forum hope it helps

"This is a truly unique cactus as it is the only species that is known from outside Southern America and Mexico to contain similar alkaloids to Lophophora williamsii and Trichocereus Peruvianus! Actually chemically it is extremely similar to Lophophora williamsii. This species is found in the West Indies and could be used in places where [/color][url=][color=#ffcc00]Peyote [/color][/url][color=#ff0000] ceremonies can be legally conduced if [/color][url=][color=#ffcc00]Peyote [/color][/url][color=#ff0000] was not available or as alternative more economical entheogen. It has indeed been analyzed via HPLC, GC/MS and TLC. All reports are conclusive and active in the desired alkaloids. Truly, a very special cactus." pirat
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Number of posts : 41
Location : Cape York QLD
Registration date : 2008-04-06

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyMon Apr 07, 2008 8:11 pm

Taken from Trouts notes on cactus chemistry by species:

Lemaireocereus hystrix syn Stenocereus hystrix
Unidentified neutral triterpene lactone
Oleanolic acid
Betulinic acid
No detectable alkaloids
(Djerassi and Lippman 1954)
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Number of posts : 63
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Registration date : 2008-04-04

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyWed Apr 09, 2008 12:56 am

Well I'm interested. Anyone know where to get one!
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Number of posts : 7
Location : colorado
Registration date : 2008-03-11

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyThu Apr 10, 2008 4:30 am
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Number of posts : 7
Location : colorado
Registration date : 2008-03-11

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyThu Apr 10, 2008 4:32 am

Teonanacatl wrote:
Taken from Trouts notes on cactus chemistry by species:

Lemaireocereus hystrix syn Stenocereus hystrix
Unidentified neutral triterpene lactone
Oleanolic acid
Betulinic acid
No detectable alkaloids
(Djerassi and Lippman 1954)

Well, that kinda sucks! Sad Any more recent info out there that you know of?...M. Smith?
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Number of posts : 41
Location : Cape York QLD
Registration date : 2008-04-06

stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty
PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID EmptyThu Apr 10, 2008 12:39 pm

No more recent info using Lemarieocereus, Stenocereus or Ritterocereus hystrix.

If you want the chemistry of any species let me know its easy to look up. If you can set up an ftp then I can provide alot of the original journal articles aswell which tell how they isolated the compounds in the first place.
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PostSubject: Re: stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID   stenocereous ritterocereus hystrix/ ID Empty

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