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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 293
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Registration date : 2008-06-24

Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 6:59 pm

Had a name for this but its long forgotten. 1st time bloomer, must like its new home in the ground.

Forgotten Tricho 292o4fp

Forgotten Tricho X0y4o5
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 7:07 pm

Looks like T. grandiflorus to me.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 293
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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 8:20 pm

Huascha was the name i had, i remember once i looked up grandiflorus and saw the synonym.
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 8:41 pm

Yep I agree T. huascha. aka...damned taxonomists Evil or Very Mad
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Number of posts : 107
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Registration date : 2008-04-04

Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptyThu Dec 11, 2008 7:20 am

There is a bunch of red flowered Trichos, could you please post a photo of the body of the plant.

Isn't huascha the species name if the plant is in Echinopsis? I think your plant looks similar to T. huasca, which is thin branched, and slightly longered spined than T. grandiflora.
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Number of posts : 107
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Registration date : 2008-04-04

Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptyThu Dec 11, 2008 7:21 am

Scrap that last post.

I spent all of my ciggie breaks at work today researching this and I've confused myself terribly. sorry.

I'm going to write a decent kinda long post about this later. my brain isn't quite up to it yet.
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Calm and Collected

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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptyThu Dec 11, 2008 11:56 pm

t. huascha is now E. huacha......along with many others. your not alone being confused as to the reasoning behind it all Suspect
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avid contributor & moderator

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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptyFri Dec 12, 2008 1:37 pm

Sorry, i was the one who gave Michael the name of Trichocereus huascha for this plant and therefore am partly to blame for the subsequent resulting confusion. it seems that you can use T/E.huascha as a blanket coverall name for just about any red flowered Trichocereus, its almost as vague as the common name of 'Red Torch Cactus' lol. I have the same plant as Michael's pictured above, mine is labelled as T.huascha but i guess that doesn't mean much. This is not T.grandiflora/grandiflorus for the reasons prier outlined (ie. longer spines, thinner stems). wait, T.grandiflora is now a synonym of E.huascha if you want to be up to date with the current nomenclature. argh!
look how many darn synonyms this poor plant has:

Echinopsis pecheretiana, Trichocereus grandiflorus, Lobivia hyalacantha, Acanthocalycium hyalacanthum, Helianthocereus hyalacanthus, Echinopsis hyalacantha, Trichocereus rowleyi, Pseudolobivia pelecyrhachis var. lobivioides, Trichocereus lobivioides, Helianthocereus pecheretianus, Trichocereus huascha var. pecheretianus, Lobivia purpureominiata, Echinopsis rowleyi, Chamaecereus grandiflorus, Echinopsis lobivioides, Trichocereus andalgalensis, Helianthocereus grandiflorus, Pseudolobivia lobivioides, Lobivia huascha, Trichocereus huascha, Cereus huascha, Cereus andalgalensis, Helianthocereus andalgalensis, Lobivia andalgalensis, Helianthocereus huascha var. auricolor, Trichocereus auricolor, Trichocereus andalgalensis var. auricolor, Trichocereus catamarcensis, Lobivia grandiflora, Helianthocereus huascha

These synonyms include both past names for what is the same plant as well as encompassing what were once considered separate species in their own right (e.g. T.grandiflora). these confuse growers, almost as badly as this post by myself which probably does even more so. i look forward to reading the imminent post by my friend prier who knows much more about Trichocereus who will be able to provide much necessary clarification.
In retrospect you can call a plant whatever you want, thats a nice Pseudolobivia lobivioides you got there Michael. Smile
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Number of posts : 107
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Registration date : 2008-04-04

Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptyFri Dec 12, 2008 5:51 pm

yeah thanks lewis.
Once in Echinopsis, nearly all the red flowered
trichos become E. huascha. At work we were calling this plant T.huasca
as opposed to T.grandiflora.

I went through all the classic
texts and even the new cactus lexicon. There's doesn't seem to be any
reference to this plant anywhere. My guess is that it's now a sub
species of E.huascha.
Once I get my camera back, I'll post some photos of my plants for comparison.

Someone needs to write a good book about trichos, including all the extra spiny ones trout ignores.
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avid contributor & moderator

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Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 14, 2008 7:00 pm

prier wrote:
Someone needs to write a good book about trichos, including all the extra spiny ones trout ignores.
I think you just volunteered. Wink I look forward to reading it. Smile
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

Number of posts : 879
Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
Registration date : 2008-01-23

Forgotten Tricho Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho EmptySun Dec 14, 2008 7:56 pm

lewis wrote:
prier wrote:
Someone needs to write a good book about trichos, including all the extra spiny ones trout ignores.
I think you just volunteered. Wink I look forward to reading it. Smile

Likewise Wink I thoroughly enjoyed Trout's notes on San Pedro, though it would be interesting to read about some of the other trichos out there too.

Actually that reminds me of something myself and prier were working on together a while back...
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PostSubject: Re: Forgotten Tricho   Forgotten Tricho Empty

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Forgotten Tricho
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