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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby gwhite24 Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:24 pm

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby Eck Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:56 pm

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby region4 Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 pm

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby Eck Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:24 pm

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Emptyby SlightlyHooked Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:43 pm

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty


 Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.

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2 posters
Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 245
Location : Tassie
Registration date : 2008-10-06

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty
PostSubject: Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.   Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. EmptyTue Nov 25, 2008 7:39 pm

Hi Friends I've had Aeonium simsii flowering away in the garden, and have been enjoyimng it immensely, it has been a beautiful mound of yellow, so when it come to posting the pics, I thought I'd include some of it's friends as well... I hope you enjoy.

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_simsii_1108c Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_simsii_1108b
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_simsii_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_simsi_1107

manriqueorum cv. "Zwartkop".
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_manriqueorum_cv_Zwartkop_11 Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_manriqueorum_cv_Zwartkop-1

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_arboreum_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_arboreum_1108b

lindleyi, and another smaller variegated form.
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_lindleyi_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_lindleyi_1107 Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_sp_variegatum_2008a

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_smithii_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_smithii_1108b Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_smithii_1007_a

noid, I did have this tagged as haworthii once, but never really settled on an id.
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_sp_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Aeonium_haworthii1174_1107

And Greenovia aurea for good measure.
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Greenovia_aurea_1108a Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Greenovia_aurea_1108b Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Greenovia_aurea_1106
Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Greenovia_aurea_1007_d Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Th_Greenovia_aurea_0907_a

Cheers for now, CP.
Very Happy
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Number of posts : 416
Location : Adelaide, SA
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.   Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. EmptyWed Dec 24, 2008 9:37 pm

As always an awesome collection CP - this time Aeonius - well done.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 245
Location : Tassie
Registration date : 2008-10-06

Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.   Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. EmptySat Dec 27, 2008 8:30 am

calycium wrote:
As always an awesome collection CP - this time Aeonius - well done.

Thanks... they like the cooler climate here!

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.   Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all. Empty

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Some of the Aeonium pleasures for y'all.
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