Number of posts : 177 Location : Victoria Registration date : 2008-07-23
Subject: Resizing photos Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:16 pm
For anyone that's interested here is a good program to resize your photos with so they aren't as large size wise when you upload them: And it's free. I use it to resize my piccy's before putting them on Collectzing.
trigonus Admin & Cactus Fiend
Number of posts : 879 Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C Registration date : 2008-01-23
Cheers Vicki, very handy. You can actually resize them in the editor here, but it's a bit of a pain and hard to get the images exactly the same size (well for me anyway, maybe i'm just unco?)
Vicki Calm and Collected
Number of posts : 177 Location : Victoria Registration date : 2008-07-23