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San Rainbow
7 posters
San Rainbow
Calm and Collected
San Rainbow

Number of posts : 172
Location : south of the border
Registration date : 2008-04-21

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySat May 17, 2008 9:17 pm

I read that a 1/4 dose of miracle grow applied to the prop sand prior to sowing seed is a good start when germinating seeds, I got some today and there is a 2 sized spoon, 15ml / tbs & a 1.25ml 1/4 tsp which do you recommend using?

Last edited by San Rainbow on Sun May 18, 2008 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 464
Location : Corio. Victoria
Registration date : 2008-05-14

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySat May 17, 2008 9:28 pm

Never heard of this one, will be interesting to hear more
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 202
Location : Vic.
Registration date : 2008-04-02

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 10:36 am

you mean a one quarter strength dose right San?

Should be a basic guide on the packet about what strength mixtures are suited to what plant. Im sorry i cant really tell you the right doses, i have been usin miracle grow now for so long i generally just go by the blueness of the water to guess strength or just use 2 big scoops per 10 ltrs for full strength. Miracle grow isnt to bad when it comes to overdosing but obviously its always best to use too little than too much.

is excellent stuff IMO
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

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Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
Registration date : 2008-01-23

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 12:46 pm

It's excellent stuff.

It would be quarter strength I assumne. Like PD said.

So as a rule one small spoon per litre of water. For cacti seedlings(quarter strength), that's a quarter spoon per litre of water.

More mature plants can easily take half strength, but you would be pushing the envelope if you go above that. A dangerous game to play. If you use quarter strength applications it's usually a good idea to do it regularly as they lower amount isn't always suffient in providing the right nutrients, so a quarter strength can be applied at every watering if needed. Just keep an eye on how things go as you don't want to overfeed them, this applies to all facets of cacti culture though really.
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San Rainbow
Calm and Collected
San Rainbow

Number of posts : 172
Location : south of the border
Registration date : 2008-04-21

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 3:11 pm

yea a quarter strength, sorry for lame description...
there is a two ended spoon in the pack, 15ml/tbs & 1.25ml/quarter tsp, would I use quarter of the small end (1.25ml/quarter tsp) = 0.3125ml or 1/16th

Directions on pack

outdoor plants watering can
- Mix 1 large spoon (bigger end) for every 4 liters of water

indoor plants
- Mix 1 small scoop (smaller end) per liter of water every 2 weeks. we do not recommend foliar (leaf) feeding for house plants

I don't want to fry my soon to be borne bubs.


Very Happy
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Admin & Cactus Fiend

Number of posts : 879
Location : coastal NSW 1°C - 40°C
Registration date : 2008-01-23

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 4:41 pm

Yeah as I said one small spoon to a litre of water. So it's a quarter of the small spoon. You will have to estimate what a quarter of that is. Alternatively you can mix one small spoon per 4 litres of water. Always remember a bit less is far better than a bit more.
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San Rainbow
Calm and Collected
San Rainbow

Number of posts : 172
Location : south of the border
Registration date : 2008-04-21

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 4:55 pm

cheers Very Happy
just wanted to be on the safe side, thanks again!

Very Happy
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 176
Location : Cairns
Registration date : 2008-04-26

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 5:40 pm

What's ya thoughts on using slow release then? You can gauge exactly how much you need and it's available slowly over time.

I haven't used miracle grow, but it's good to see it's recommended.

But in the heat of the tropics (or even the desert) i'd worry more about most of it volatilising before being used.

Also, I think it's important to have the watering already done before adding liquid fertiliser... you shouldn't really water using liquid fertiliser only as it can burn the roots of young plants. Another plus for slow release 9less likely to burn).

But, on saying that at 1/4 strenght (or less) you'll be probably pretty safe I'd say Smile

Let us know how you get on.
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Number of posts : 416
Location : Adelaide, SA
Registration date : 2008-04-06

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 7:28 pm

In 20 years I've never fertilised my plants - but I am keen to do so. Where can I get Miricle Grow?

Last edited by calycium on Sun May 18, 2008 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 464
Location : Corio. Victoria
Registration date : 2008-05-14

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 7:37 pm

I can get it either at the supermarket or in Bunnings.

I tend to use the Thrive Cacti and Succulennt fertilizer with my cacti. Bit worried about the high Nitrogen levels in Miracle Gro. But if people are using Miracle Gro on their cacti I must have a go with it its heaps cheaper.
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Number of posts : 416
Location : Adelaide, SA
Registration date : 2008-04-06

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 7:41 pm

Thanks Betty - will keep my eye out for it - thus far only have sea sol seaweed extracts.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 464
Location : Corio. Victoria
Registration date : 2008-05-14

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 7:44 pm

Seasol is great at half strenth for seedlings
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San Rainbow
Calm and Collected
San Rainbow

Number of posts : 172
Location : south of the border
Registration date : 2008-04-21

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 18, 2008 8:51 pm

parrotsheaven wrote:
I can get it either at the supermarket or in Bunnings.

I tend to use the Thrive Cacti and Succulennt fertilizer with my cacti. Bit worried about the high Nitrogen levels in Miracle Gro. But if people are using Miracle Gro on their cacti I must have a go with it its heaps cheaper.

I have been looking around for cacti fert for yonks and have never been able to find it, will keep this in mind for the future.

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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 158
Location : Bendigo Victoria . Zone 6
Registration date : 2008-05-02

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySat May 24, 2008 9:48 pm

Collectors Corner do packs of ready to use granular slow release fertilizer esp for cactus. they are in Keysborough in Melbourne,.
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San Rainbow
Calm and Collected
San Rainbow

Number of posts : 172
Location : south of the border
Registration date : 2008-04-21

miracle grow Empty
PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow EmptySun May 25, 2008 8:48 am

Gracie wrote:
Collectors Corner do packs of ready to use granular slow release fertilizer esp for cactus. they are in Keysborough in Melbourne,.

beautiful nursery, one of the best cacti nursery's I've been to by far. I thought they would do something like this, every time I go out there it completely slips my mind (or I spend all my $ on more cacti)

Cheers Gracie
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PostSubject: Re: miracle grow   miracle grow Empty

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