Hey Sneaky,
I have had few problems with fungi, nothing major.
Iv'e got a few plants that have similar fungi balls, about 1-2 mm, they have grow in some of my pots for over a year, they don't seem to spread but i know i should re pot asap.
What do you use as potting mix?
I noticed in your recent '"What did you do in the yard today??"
- sneakycuttlefish wrote:
- This is the only way I can protect them from the daily down pours up here. They have had solid rain for weeks now
That doesn't sound good, i have most of my plants in a green/hot house, in a controlled environment, all my plants get watered by hand, there is never any over head watering apart from my Agave/Haworthias.
Maybe there is to much rain affecting your plants and soil.
I would get some cover over your plants, sounds like you have some great plants, plants that i would never leave out in the open without some protection.
Let us know what you use for soil and sounds like you need to tarp up!!!
Tarp up your plants that is!!!