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 Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting

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Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting Empty
PostSubject: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyThu Apr 11, 2013 2:42 pm

Hi all. I am new to this forum. I've looked around and read quite a few posts in the past but only just joined to start contributing and asking some questions. Smile

I hope some of the cactiphiles here can help with an ID of my newly procured cutting. I have my own amateur thoughts as to what it may be but I don't want to cloud your opinions so I'll keep it to myself for now.

I saw this cacti outside someones property on a local road and it was obviously quite a bit cactus at one point that someone had cut all the columns about 2 feet from the ground. There were pups coming from most of these columns and I asked the owner of the house if I could have some and he obliged. I'm sure it was a very impressive specimen before it was cut but hopefully some nice ones grow for me from it and the rest of the stump I left hopefully gets left to grow more too.

I have one other question that I'll drop here too. I have a Scopulicola cutting that is about 13 inches long and very thick. It's a mid cutting and I was wondering if I cut it in half could I pot both halves to increase the amount of pups I could get as I would have 2 rootsocks? Or is 6-7 inches of Scopulicola too little to do that?

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting V4xuea

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting K3stiu

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting 11s1swp

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting Qybziq

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Thanks in advance for any help and opinions people throw out!
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Number of posts : 18
Location : Adelaide
Registration date : 2013-04-10

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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyThu Apr 11, 2013 2:45 pm

Oh yeah, it does look quite blue/purple in person. The 1st and 3rd photo were taken at night with a flash. The one looking at the ribs from above at night, (3rd pic, in the pot), shows how blue/purple it looks.
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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyThu Apr 11, 2013 7:24 pm

Hello and welcome to the forum.
I don't know what species your plant is but it looks like an Echinopsis sp. (Trichocereus sp.) or at least something South American. I've never grown this species so I could not be sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 12:36 pm

Trichoicereus Peruvianus and a very nice specimen indeed Smile
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Number of posts : 18
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Registration date : 2013-04-10

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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 10:39 am

G'day Cereoid. Cheers for the welcome and for throwing in your thoughts.

Hi Hellonasty. Thanks for your opinion. To be honest that's exactly what I thought it was too. I did a double take when I saw it by the side of the road and just had to go back and check it out!

I put the large stump in a pretty huge pot 2 days ago. It's starting to get pretty cold down here though, especially at night, so I hope it shoots a few roots before going dormant... Here's a couple of pics.

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting 2s1ouq9

Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting Nvw6tc
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Number of posts : 137
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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 7:10 pm

Is that sand going to be its final home or are you just using it as a rooting medium?
It might be a good idea to transplant it into some soil with nutrients when it starts growing again.

With regards to your E. scopulicola cutting I would leave it in one piece but that's just me.
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Number of posts : 18
Location : Adelaide
Registration date : 2013-04-10

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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 11:59 pm

There's about 10 cm of coarse washed sand on top of the pot and a mix of 50% soil, sand, a little gypsum and some perlite underneath that down to the bottom of the pot. I have heard that cacti like to root in sand and then the roots find the deeeper more nutrient dense soil if the potting medium is layered in this way. I just thought I'd give this method a go... My intention is to leave it in this pot anywhere up to about 18 months so it hopefully gets a good root structure before I either repot it or if I find a suitable place in the garden I may transplant it into the ground. The pot is very large so I'm sure it could stay in there for a pretty long time if needed though.

Hmm, well I may have done the wrong thing then. I was trying to decide whether to cut the Scop or not and a friend kept telling me to cut it. So I did. We'll just have to wait and see what happens I suppose.... Neutral
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Sydney
Registration date : 2013-04-04

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PostSubject: Re: Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting   Please help ID my new columnar cacti pups & cutting EmptyThu Apr 18, 2013 6:58 pm

Well the soil sounds fine then. It's impossible to tell what the soil is just from looking at its surface.
I was only saying that I would leave the cutting as is, not that cutting it again was a bad idea or anything. They should both probably root if treated properly, but that said, they could both die or any combination in between. These things are very much based on chance.
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