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» How to treat scale pests on a cactus without removing the blue wax coating?
Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby gwhite24 Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:24 pm

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Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby Eck Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:56 pm

» NSW public campaign on Prickly Pear including Bunny Ears
Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

» Copiapoa ID ?
Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby region4 Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 pm

» Cactus accident
Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby Eck Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:24 pm

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Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Emptyby SlightlyHooked Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:43 pm

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty


 Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc

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Number of posts : 4
Location : Tamworth NSW
Registration date : 2012-09-24

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty
PostSubject: Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc    Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 1:26 pm

Does anyone no the names ?
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Number of posts : 4
Location : Tamworth NSW
Registration date : 2012-09-24

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc    Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 1:36 pm

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Img_0213
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Number of posts : 4
Location : Tamworth NSW
Registration date : 2012-09-24

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc    Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 1:39 pm

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Img_0215
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Number of posts : 20
Location : Atherton Tablelands
Registration date : 2014-04-12

Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc    Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  EmptyThu Apr 17, 2014 7:30 am

G'day mate, the first pic I believe to be a Cereus.peruvianus, the second is an Opuntia.sp of some kind. Hope this helps..
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Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc    Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc  Empty

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Im new to this forum , can anyone help me with these cactus ? Name etc
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