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 What is it and what is happening to it?

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Number of posts : 2
Location : London, United Kingdom
Registration date : 2012-07-29

What is it and what is happening to it? Empty
PostSubject: What is it and what is happening to it?   What is it and what is happening to it? EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 9:51 pm

Hi all,

I really just registered to find out what is happening with my cactus, but perhaps once I know more I'll get deeper into. This one lives in a small flat in rainy London (poor thing) and was doing just fine for years when suddenly it grew a lot and then these long tentacles came out. This started a few months ago.

So, which cactus is this and why the tenctacles? Is it a disease or completely normal. Should I do anything? I couldn't upload an image so the I used my profile image instead - that's the cactus I'm talking about...

All help and suggestions appreciated!

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Number of posts : 47
Location : Berlin, Germany
Registration date : 2009-09-02

What is it and what is happening to it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is it and what is happening to it?   What is it and what is happening to it? EmptyMon Jul 30, 2012 5:11 pm

Hi Sip,

this looks like a hylocereus (undatus?) that is growing.
The tentacles are normal air roots.
You should give the plant a bigger pot, more light and good draining soil.
Then it could grow 1 meter or more in a growing season. affraid
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Number of posts : 2
Location : London, United Kingdom
Registration date : 2012-07-29

What is it and what is happening to it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is it and what is happening to it?   What is it and what is happening to it? EmptyMon Jul 30, 2012 7:22 pm

Hi Torro,

Thanks you so much. That is a lot better news then I expected - I will do so immediately, very exciting Smile

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