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 pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)

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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 256
Location : Mellville
Registration date : 2008-10-28

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 2:59 pm

Just sharing some random , grafts to Pereskiopsis that I have done .....

varigated opuntia that were grafted as tiny pups from a mother.
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Opuntiavarigated

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Opuntiavarigated2

pach x j3
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Pachxj3

pach x psycho0
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Pachxpsycho0

scop x sausage
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Scopxsausage

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Tmacrogonus

Geohintonia mexicana
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Geohintoniamexicana

Ferocactus plaz
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ferocactussplaplaz

Ferocactus rectispinus
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ferocactusrectispinus

Eriosyce islayensis
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Erioscyceislayensis

Echinocactus platycanthus
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Echinocactusplatycanthus

Coryphantha longicornis
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Coryphanthalongicornis

Aylostera heliosa
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Aylosteraheliosa

Ariocarpus retuses
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ariocarpusretuses

Ariocarpus mix
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ariocarpusmix

Ariocarpus furfurfaceus
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ariocarpusfurfurfaceus

Ariocarpus fissuratus
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Ariocarpusfissuratus

....and a L.fricii grafted on cereus sp. growing slowly but throwing out major fur.
pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Lfriciioncereussp
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Number of posts : 51
Location : australia
Registration date : 2010-08-17

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 4:31 pm

such nice plants
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Number of posts : 9
Location : Townsville, NQLD
Registration date : 2011-03-24

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 6:17 pm

They are nice =] I really like that L. fricii

Pereskiopsis really is great hey Wink only downside is that it can make slow growing cacti look a bit funny

EDIT: how long did it take to get that loph that size on cereus?
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 256
Location : Mellville
Registration date : 2008-10-28

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 8:08 pm

Quote :
how long did it take to get that loph that size on cereus?

Its been over a year, now the size of a 20 cent piece , strange how the fluff grew, will others on spach from same seed were larger and grew quicker but the tufts of fluff did not get nearly as bushy.... (tufts of fluff? is there a technical term for this?wooley aeroles?)
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Number of posts : 1824
Location : NSW
Registration date : 2008-04-04

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 8:21 pm

Really nice mate,

Love the Geohintonia Tricho hybrids and all those Ariocarpus Smile

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Number of posts : 6
Location : Slovakia, Europe
Registration date : 2011-02-13

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyFri Apr 08, 2011 6:22 am

Nice work, ariocarpus fissuratus may flower within 2 years since grafted on pereiskopsis. The normal non-grafted seedling of Ariocarpus fissuratus needs at least 10-12 years to do nice roots and anothe 5 years to flower. My won experience :-) The best results are when you use Eriocereus jusbertii when you regraft from peireskiopsis. All above regards A.fissuratus.
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Number of posts : 34
Location : Magdeburg/Germany
Registration date : 2009-04-05

pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) EmptyTue Apr 12, 2011 1:44 pm

Congrats. Very nice grafting on Pereskiopsis.

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pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty
PostSubject: Re: pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)   pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev) Empty

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pereskiopsis the impatient mans best friend (image hev)
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