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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 218
Location : Sydney, NSW
Registration date : 2010-12-15

4 "partially" unknowns Empty
PostSubject: 4 "partially" unknowns   4 "partially" unknowns EmptyFri Jan 28, 2011 9:06 pm

Spent alittle time here labeling up all the new purchases and realised I still have 4 partially unknown cactuses sitting on the shelf. Been trying to ID them using the net but haven't really had any luck so I figured I'd pass it onto wiser minds. Sorry about the shonky photos, sun was almost down when I took these so I had to use the cameras flash.

1: Tephrocactus something according to the label it came with?
4 "partially" unknowns

2: Rebutia "crown cactus" according to the label it came with?
4 "partially" unknowns

3: Matucana something according to the label it came with?
4 "partially" unknowns

4: Matucana something according to the label it came with?
4 "partially" unknowns

Any and every thought is welcome!
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Number of posts : 22
Location : Sydney, NSW
Registration date : 2010-12-13

4 "partially" unknowns Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4 "partially" unknowns   4 "partially" unknowns EmptySat Jan 29, 2011 10:22 am

#1 -- Tephrocactus neuquensis aka Maihueniopsis darwinii ?

My initial impression of #2 was R. muscula but I'm probably wrong as yours looks flatter-bodied and the spines aren't as dense.

#3 is the same as two plants I purchased recently. Again, can't be sure but at the moment I'm guessing M. comacephala.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 218
Location : Sydney, NSW
Registration date : 2010-12-15

4 "partially" unknowns Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4 "partially" unknowns   4 "partially" unknowns EmptySat Jan 29, 2011 4:44 pm

Another forum suggested Maihueniopsis glomerata for the first one and that seem to stick.
They also guessed M. intertexta on number 3....remains to be seen with time what it grows into I guess.
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Number of posts : 599
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2009-09-15

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PostSubject: Re: 4 "partially" unknowns   4 "partially" unknowns EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 12:19 pm

If the Tephro/Miahu is likely from Hamiltons, it's probably the same plant I have which I have had identified from some folks way more knowledgeable on Tephro's than I as Cumulopuntia (Maihueniopsis) boliviana. I don't believe it's darwinii as it's not showing the flattened spines that species has..

I could be wrong though//

The others are hard without a bloom...repost next year if they flower !
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 218
Location : Sydney, NSW
Registration date : 2010-12-15

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PostSubject: Re: 4 "partially" unknowns   4 "partially" unknowns EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 6:43 pm

It is indeed a Hamilton's cactus, hard to find anything else in this part of Sydney really.

Could indeed be bolivana but pictures I'm finding just doesn't seem to match aswell as glomerata. For example I'm not seeing any pics of bolivana with glochnids present...and after repotting mine yesterday I can definately vouch for it having glochnids!
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