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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Emptyby Eck Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:56 pm

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Emptyby region4 Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 pm

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Emptyby Eck Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:24 pm

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Emptyby SlightlyHooked Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:43 pm

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty


 Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?

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Location : Brisbane
Registration date : 2010-08-02

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyMon Nov 29, 2010 2:29 pm

Hi Everyone,

I was thinking of ordering some pots from garden city plastics, the squat square 63mm job.

With delivery to my place the work out to be $145 for 768 pots, this is about 19 cents a pot, which is about 10 cents a pot cheaper than they seem to be on ebay.

I only really want 2 or 300, so does anyone else want any at cost price plus postage?

Reply in this thread or send me a pm.
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Number of posts : 127
Location : SEQ
Registration date : 2008-06-28

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 9:02 pm

I may be interested in half.

Is there any paticular reason are you having them delivered rather than just pick up?
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Number of posts : 50
Location : Brisbane
Registration date : 2010-08-02

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 12:26 am


Well, its about 30 minutes drive for me to go pick them up each way, and I would have to try and get time off work to do it.

The delivery was only an extra 10 or 15 dollars, so I figured by the the time I used 5 dollars worth of fuel, and had to try and get away from work it would be about the same price, and spread over 700 pots fairly minuscule.

If you live closer to them (I think they on compton road at woodridge) I would be happy to buy them off you instead.
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Number of posts : 134
Location : Gippsland
Registration date : 2008-12-03

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 7:17 pm

It amazes me how wholesale/bulkdiscount and all that works. the place I get mine is a major farm/garden outlet called goodmans. and I still cant work out how they can sell em for 15 cents a pot in vic, they must but em hella cheap. good for me tho =) I buy em 100 at a time

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Number of posts : 127
Location : SEQ
Registration date : 2008-06-28

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 7:23 am

Do you know if they do counter sales or do you need an account ?
I'm in redcliffe but i need to go down to springwood sometime before Xmas anyway.

It is amazing just how much how much they actually cost once you take out goodmans margin, the GST, the pot Levy , transport & whatever else i've forgotten.
I'm fairly certain garden city have a factory in Vic as well, Darren would know where exactly.
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Number of posts : 50
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Registration date : 2010-08-02

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 10:31 pm

You shouldn't need an account, they asked me if I had one, but didn't say I needed one.

Well, if no one else wants wants a share, I guess I'll take the other half.

If you still want them, and are going past and want to get them I'll fix you up for the others + postage.

Otherwise I'll get them and post them out to you.
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Calm and Collected

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 3:51 pm

Hi Guys

its been a long time since i have been on just been flat out preparing my house & factory for the move... & shortly so sorry for not getting back to you about the pots things have just gotten away from me. let me know if you have not already picked up the pots and ill try organise a discount for you guys.

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Number of posts : 50
Location : Brisbane
Registration date : 2010-08-02

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 12:14 am

Hi Darren,

I haven't got them yet, and haven't heard from shortly.

I still want to go ahead with it though, but with christmas around the corner, and needing clothes for my new job I might have to put it off to mid january.

If you could get a discount that would be great.

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Number of posts : 50
Location : Brisbane
Registration date : 2010-08-02

Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? EmptyWed Feb 02, 2011 10:19 pm

I'm finally finacial enough to do this, any one who wants in let me know, otherwise I'll take on the lot. I imagine prices are as above, maybe cheaper if Darren can do something for me.
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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?   Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order? Empty

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Garden City Plastics - Anyone want to split a pot order?
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