A couple of pics from the past couple of weeks...
Epithelantha unguispina note the pink flowers and dark centrals....
My favorite Mamm of all time, Mammillaria theresae
Another great Mamm with fantastic flowers that dwarf the plant, Mammillaria albiflora
Echinocereus amoenus, another small plant that puts on a show..
Again E. amoenus, from the same seed batch, but this guy's flower isn't the same, still very striking though, might be a "double". Hope it flowers again and I can see if it stays the same..might be an interesting sport to propagate or something..
Finally a little bit of success, Mammillaria luethyi raised from seed, about 4 years old and look at the show this little plant puts on !!
A real little gem ! The plant itself is smaller than one of the flowers !