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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Emptyby Eck Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:03 pm

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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Emptyby region4 Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 pm

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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Emptyby SlightlyHooked Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:43 pm

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty


 Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(

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Number of posts : 26
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2010-02-22

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 9:52 pm

Hi everyone.

I bought 3 different types of seeds from ebay (trichocereus terscheckii, Suguaro, and Golden Torch) and put them into a yates propergation tray about 3 weeks ago. I put the tray into the over for about 20 mins before putting the seeds in.

The soil that I used was the standard mix from Collectors Corner in Garden world.

I dampened the soil, and placed each seed about 2mm down.

I originally placed them on top of the hot water system. I folded up some shade cloth, put the tray ontop, but that actually melted the shade cloth :-(

I now have them sitting on a couple of pieces of wood, but i'll move them into my green house soon.

Am I being impatient, or have i buggered them up? I spray mist on them every few days but none are coming through.

Help needed....
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 256
Location : Mellville
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 10:03 pm

Hey mate don't despair, but you may have put them too deep...or they may have been duds, but maybe if your patient they will pop up soon .
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 352
Location : adelaide but moving to monbulk
Registration date : 2009-09-07

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 10:41 pm

the only way i get good results from seed is by putting about 10 types down and about 30 of each. This way you are bound to get something! also i only sprincle sand to roughly the depth fo the diameter of the seed if possible.

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Icon_biggrin darren
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Number of posts : 599
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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 11:15 pm

You don't mention covering the tray or putting it into a plastic bag or anything? Cacti (and Succulents for the most part) need humid conditions, warmth and light to prompt germination. So if the top of your mix (and thus the seed) is at anytime getting dried out in between mistings, you won't get germination, it needs to be damp constantly. So cover it with a piece of glass, or plastic, or put it in a bag. Also be wary of them getting too warm, temps over 30Deg C are generally thought to hinder germination. Finally make sure that they have good light to help them find their way once they crack there coats !
Three weeks isn't too long, especially for those species,but if you don't see anything after another three, I'd be concerned. Most C &S seeds don't need any covering mix or grit, a light tamp down to ensure contact with the mix usually suffices. However a little grit can be beneficial at giving support to larger seeds. If after another few weeks you still have nothing, there's really nothing to lose, so I'd just scrape up the top layer and spread it out again, thus uncovering any buried seeds, give it a real good spraying and try once more !
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 256
Location : Mellville
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 9:39 am

Yeah humidity is a MUST! I use takeaway containers(clear) very handy indeed...
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Number of posts : 26
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2010-02-22

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 11:08 am

Thanks guys,

Yeah they are covered with a plastic cover and get the sun. I left the side holes just slightly open to allow a breeze to come through. I'm going to move them into my green house where it's not so windy. I'm thinking of trying again, but i'll wait and see. I planted them on the 9th of April so it's only just been over 3 weeks. If i get anything, i'll post up some pics!!

I think i might be getting too much air in. I'm thinking of getting a container that i can seal off round the edges.
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 286
Location : Greece
Registration date : 2010-01-10

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 8:24 pm

maybe you sowed them too deep! next time just sprinkle to the surface...

closed box germination and growing needs a preventive use of fungicide, especially if you're keeping the box sealed for long time

good luck, hope some sprout!
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Calm and Collected

Number of posts : 256
Location : Mellville
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 9:08 pm

I would invest in a propagating heat mat and some fluoro lighting also ,
it is coming into winter ,but sowing can still be done when you have
these, and like mutant says some fungicide spray to prevent damping off moulds are a must... Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Icon_study
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Number of posts : 26
Location : Melbourne
Registration date : 2010-02-22

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptySun Apr 25, 2010 11:09 pm

Thanks guys.

I've moved them indoors next to a northerly facing window. I closed off all the air getting in, and it's nice and humid in there.

I did a bit of a search on heat mats and lighting. Expensive!! If anyone knows where I'm able to purchase these, and any reconmendations I'd be extremly interested.

Also, if I use artifical light then i wouldn't need the lid on would i?

I've actually purchased a higher quality glass box, and some seed raising soil so I'll have another go.

From what I've read, the seeds need heat, then light.

Maybe I should wait till the warmer weather? I really want to make this work, so yeah, if anyone knows of a good website or place to purchase the heat mat and lighting in Melbourne, it would be great!!

Thanks guys.

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Number of posts : 599
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2009-09-15

Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( EmptyMon Apr 26, 2010 12:01 am

mr_diesel60 wrote:
Thanks guys.

I've moved them indoors next to a northerly facing window. I closed off all the air getting in, and it's nice and humid in there.

That should be good, just watch that they don't get too hot want to aim for about 25C or just above..

I did a bit of a search on heat mats and lighting. Expensive!! If anyone knows where I'm able to purchase these, and any reconmendations I'd be extremly interested.

Yes, they are. If you're only doing things on a small scale, you might look at beer home brewing heat pads, they might be smaller and cheaper...

Also, if I use artifical light then i wouldn't need the lid on would i?

Not sure what you mean by this, you'll still need to keep the humidity up, so even under artificial lighting, you'll need the cover on (but not too close to the lamp that it melts or burns and keep the light out of the damp atmosphere you're creating, obviously)

I've actually purchased a higher quality glass box, and some seed raising soil so I'll have another go.

Using seed mix saves a bit if work, but you still might want to sieve out any big pieces and maybe add some grit (propagating sand)

From what I've read, the seeds need heat, then light.

Correct - moisture, heat and light, but you might as well start the light day one as it'll help provide heat and you want it there when the first ones come up...

Maybe I should wait till the warmer weather? I really want to make this work, so yeah, if anyone knows of a good website or place to purchase the heat mat and lighting in Melbourne, it would be great!!

You can wait, especially if you don't go the heat pad method. But I find it's actually easier to control the environment in cooler weather by adding heat and light than it is try to control it when it's hotter...and growing them through Winter means they are of a size that you can take advantage of the warmer Spring and Summer giving them a long first growing need for a winter rest !

Thanks guys.


You're welcome, hope it helps and Good Luck!
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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(   Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-( Empty

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Planted my first lot of seedlings 3 weeks ago... Still nothing :-(
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